
REMARKS... // A curious story of an "informational" cure for warts.

A curious story of an "informational" cure for warts.

I have had warts on my left hand since I was about 20 years old. At first they were small, then they got bigger. I tried to go to the doctor, I burned them with a special machine. I realized that it was useless to fight them that way, moreover there were traces of the doctor's work.

After about 10 years a friend of mine told me that he also had warts, and that he had cured them with rowan juice: You pick rowanberries, crush them, and smear it on his hand (or on other places where they have grown). I thought: I'll have to try it. But I didn't do it right away. And about two weeks after this conversation, my warts began to disappear on their own. A little later, they all disappeared.

This miracle, which happened to me, I qualified as: Warts got scared of rowanberry juice and ran away :))) Other than "informational healing" it is impossible to call it. Our body is a very mysterious thing, and God only knows how many secrets mankind has yet to learn about ourselves... (happened in 2014).

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